WOD / Blog
28 December 2024
Open Gym Make up a missed wod: This is your chance to make up a WOD you may have missed on your rest day. Work on a goat: Do you have any movements that you suck at, or hate to do? Then work on mastering them! Mobility: Sore? Fix that!
27 December 2024
Warm up: Coach’s Choice Strength/Skill: Deadlift 1 x 3 Stimulus/Focus: Spend 10 minutes to find a heavy set of 3 touch and go reps. Deadlift: 3 x 3 Stimulus/Focus: Complete three sets of three reps at 90% of your heavy for the day. Lift on a 90-second clock. WOD: For Time (10 Minute Time Cap) […]
26 December 2024
Warm up: Coach’s Choice Strength/Skill: 5 Rounds for Reps 1 Minute Max Reps Push Press @60% Current 1 RM 1 Minute Rest *Repeat for a Total of 5 Rounds (10 Minutes) Stimulus/Focus: Use 60% for all sets. Accumulate as many reps as possible in each minute. You will have five separate scores to enter. Enter […]
24 December 2021
Warm-up: Coach’s Choice Strength/Skill: Review the Movements WOD: Christmas Eve AMRAP 35 Minute Christmas Eve Partner AMRAP Complete 24 reps of each of the following movements as many times as possible in 35 minutes. One partner works, one partner rests. C: Chest to Bar Pull Ups H: Hang Power Cleans (95/65) R: Ring Dips I: […]
23 December 2024
Warm up: Coach’s Choice Strength/Skill: Front Squat 6 x 3 Stimulus/Focus: Use 80% for all sets. Lift on a 2-minute clock. WOD: 3 Rounds (3 Minutes Work/2 Minutes Rest) (AMRAP) 3 Front Squats (135/95)(95/65) 6 Bar-Facing Burpees 9 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1)(1/25#) Cool Down: 3 Rounds 5 Barbell Rollouts 20 Bar Hops