Posted on

18 March 2020

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Rope Climbs

WOD: 30 Minute EMOTM
Minute 1: Max Effort Rope Climbs
Minute 2: ME Alternating KB Snatch (1.5/1)
Minute 3: ME Box Jumps (24/20)

Score: Total Reps

Stimulus/Focus: This WOD will not be a fast metcon. Your arms will be tired from the snatch. Your legs will be tired from the box jumps. This will make rope climbs difficult. Focus on your technique and spend the time improving your skill.

Cool Down: Tabata L-Hangs

Posted on

30 March 2020

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Overhead Squat (3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3)
Start at 75% and get AHAP. Lift on a 3-minute clock.

WOD: 10 RFT (20 Minute Cap)
3 Overhead Squats (135/95)
5 Knees to Elbow
7 Strict Push Ups

Stimulus/Focus: This will be tough on the shoulders. The short rep scheme should allow you to do your work unbroken each time. Rest as needed between reps to make that possible.

Cool Down: 5 Rounds
100 Meter Row
10 GHD Extensions

Posted on

23 March 2020

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Thruster (5-4-3-2-1)
Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 3-minute clock.

WOD: 5 RFT (12 minute cap)
15 Thrusters (95/65)
15 Burpees

Stimulus/Focus: This will be challenging on your entire body, but especially your lungs. Try to complete the thrusters unbroken or in no more than 2 sets each round.

Cool Down: Row 500 Meters