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27 July 2024

Warm up: Arrive at 0900 to get set up and warmed up if you would like to do this Hero WOD. Be ready to go at 0915!

Bowen: 3 rounds for time of:

Run 800 meters

275-lb. deadlifts, 7 reps

10 burpee pull-ups

53-lb. single arm kettlebell thrusters, 14 reps (7 each arm)

20 box jumps, 24-inch box

In honor of Captain Jeffrey Bowen, of Alexander, North Carolina, died July 28, 2011. The 37-year-old was a 13-year veteran of the Asheville Fire Department.

click here

Stimulus/Focus: Honor this local fallen hero whom our very own CFB firefighters actually knew. Join us at our normal Saturday Hero WOD time and be ready to start at 9:15am if you would like to take on this workout!

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26 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Power Clean

3 x 3 x 3 x 2 x 2 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock. These will all be drop and go singles.

WOD: 20 Minute EMOM

Min 1: Max Calorie Row

Min 2: Max Wall Balls (20/14)(14/10)

Min 3: Max Power Cleans (115/75)(75/55)

Min 4: Max Knees to Elbow

Stimulus/Focus: You’ll go through each movement 5 times. You will have one total rep count score. There is no built in rest, so take your breaks as you transition.

Cool Down: Tabata Superman Holds

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25 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Rope Climb

Stimulus/Focus: Refine the skill for the workout.

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP

10 Push Ups

1 Rope Climb

*Rest 2 Minutes Before Next AMARP*

10 Minute AMRAP

10 Air Squats

1 Rope Climb

*Rest 2 Minutes Before Next AMARP*

10 Minute AMRAP

10 Ab Mat Sit Ups

1 Rope Climb

Cool Down: Tabata Ring Rows or Pull Ups

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24 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Push Jerk

3 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 3

Stimulus/Focus: Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock.

WOD: For Time (20 Minute Time Cap)


Alternating Single Arm Devils Press (50/35)(35/20)

Weighted Box Step Ups (50/35)(35/20)

*One dumbbell for both movements.

*May hold dumbbell however you would like on the step ups.

*20″ box for all athletes.

Stimulus/Focus: This will be a grind. Just find a steady pace and keep moving.

Cool Down: 400 Meter Dumbbell Carry

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23 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Deadlift

2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2

Stimulus/Focus: Start at 75% and get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock.

WOD: 4 RFT (24 Minute Cap)

400m Run

50 Double Unders

25 Deadlifts (135/95)(95/65)

Stimulus/Focus: Push hard on the run. Try to do your work in no more than 2 sets for each movement.

Cool Down: 4 Rounds

10 GHD Sit Ups

10 GHD Extensions

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22 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Back Rack Lunge

1 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Spend 10 minutes getting AHAP for one rep on each side.

Back Rack Lunge

10 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Use 90% of your heaviest from today and complete a rep on each side every minute on the minute for 10 minutes.

WOD: 10 Minute AMRAP

10 Left Arm Hang Snatches (1.5/1)(1/25#)

10 Left Arm Overhead Alternating Lunges (1.5/1)(1/25#)

10 Right Arm Hang Snatches (1.5/1)(1/25#)

10 Right Arm Overhead Alternating Lunges (1.5/1)(1/25#)

Stimulus/Focus: Try to do all the work on one side without putting the kettlebell down, but if needed break after the 9th hang snatch. Then, complete the 10th and go right into the lunges. Aim for 5 rounds.

Cool Down: Tabata Handstand Holds

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19 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Hang Power Snatch

3 – 3 – 3 – 2 – 2 – 2 – 1 – 1

Stimulus/Focus: Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 90-second clock.

WOD: Partner You Go, I Go (20 Minute AMRAP)

30 Double Unders

10 Handstand Push Ups

1 Ring Muscle Up

Stimulus/Focus: Have fun with a partner and work some more challenging gymnastics skills.

Cool Down: Partner Choice

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18 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Back Squat

10 x 10

Stimulus/Focus: Use your bodyweight for this strength. Lift on a 3-minute clock.

WOD: For Time (8 Minute Cap)


Wall Balls (20/14)(14/10)


Stimulus/Focus: This is a sprint. Push hard to do the wall balls unbroken. Find a steady pace on the burpees and keep moving.

Cool Down: 50 Ab Mat Wall Ball Sit Ups