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11 April 2023

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Gymnastics

12 Minute EMOM

Min 1: 10 Strict Pull-Ups

Min 2: 20 Wall-Facing Handstand Plate Climbs

Min 3: 10 Strict Knees to Elbow

WOD: 20 Minute EMOM

Min 1: Max Calorie Row

Min 2: 5 Dumbbell Hang Snatches + 5 DB OH Lunges (50/35)(35/20)

*Using one dumbbell, complete left side reps of both movements before switching to right side.*

Min 3: 15 Handstand Push Ups

*Masters RX: Seated dumbbell presses (20/15)

Min 4: Rest

Stimulus/Focus: You will go through the above sequence five times. Push as hard as you can each minute to give yourself time to rest before the next movement starts. Your fourth minute will be your rest before starting the next four minute round. Your score is your total rep count for all work.

Cool Down: Tabata Mountain Climbers