Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: 4-Position Deadlift
1 x 1
One inch off the floor, below the knee, above the knee, hips.
Stimulus/Focus: Spend 20 minutes getting as heavy as possible on the 4-position deadlift for one complete rep. The rep starts on the floor, lift one inch, then to below the knee, then above the knee, then full extension at the hips. Repeat this on the way back to the floor to complete the rep. Each position is a one-second pause.
WOD: Conditioning
21-18-15-12-9-6-3 (18 Minute Time Cap)
Dumbbell Deadlifts (50/35)(35/20)
Weighted Box Steps Overs (50/35)(35/20)
*20″ for Male/Female RX
*Two dumbbells for both movements.
Stimulus/Focus: This workout will be a challenge on grip and will be heavy on the box step overs. Break work as needed, but keep breaks short.
Cool Down: 2 Rounds
100 Meter Farmer’s Carry (Both DBs)
100 Meter Run