Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: Five 3-Minute Rounds
Max Effort Unbroken Floor Press (50% of 1 RM)
Stimulus/Focus: Use 50% of your most recent 1 RM. The bar will come from the rack for each round. You may pause in the top for a second or two, but there cannot be any pause in the bottom. Once a set breaks, rerack the bar and wait until the next round starts. You’ll have five separate rep counts-one per round.
WOD: For Time (25 Minute Cap)
800 Meter Run, Then:
25 Rounds
2 Pull Ups
4 Strict Push Ups
6 Air Squats
Then, 800 Meter Run
Stimulus/Focus: Focus on quick transitions and unbroken work.
Cool Down: Athlete’s Choice