Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: 9 Minute EMOM
Min 1: 30 Second Pike Hold on the Wall
Min 2: 30 Second Wall Facing Handstand Hold
Min 3: 30 Seconds Handstand Shoulder Taps
WOD: 12 Rounds (2 Min Work/1 Minute Rest)
200m Run
Max Wall Walks
250m/200m Row
Max Handstand Push Ups in Remaining Time
500/450 Bike Erg Cals OR 10/7 Assault Bike Calories (*Alternate Bikes Each Round)
Max Distance Handstand Walk (5′ Sections = 1 Rep)
Stimulus/Focus: Cardio mixed with inverted practice. Push hard on the cardio components and then see what you can do on your hands. Choose scales that challenge you. You’ll have a separate rep count for each of 12 rounds.
Cool Down: 400 Meter Walk
50 Banded Face Pulls