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08 November 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Power Clean

1 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Spend 10 minutes getting AHAP.

Strength Metcon: 10 Rounds for Reps

30 Seconds Max Effort Power Cleans (85%)

30 Seconds Rest

Stimulus/Focus: Just keep pulling. Focus on efficient singles with perfect set up. You will have one total rep count.

WOD: 6 RFT (12 Minute Cap)

30 Double Unders

15 Slam Balls (30/20)(20/15)

Stimulus/Focus: Aim to do all work unbroken, with minimal rest in between.

Cool Down: 3 Rounds

20 Russian Twists with Slam Ball

10 Lunges with Slam Ball Overhead