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17 December 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Deadlift

6 x 6

Stimulus/Focus: Use 75% for all sets. Lift on a 3-minute clock.

WOD: 21-18-15-12-9-6-3 (15 Minute Time Cap)

Deadlifts (155/105)(105/85)

Box Jumps Overs (24/20)

*Masters may step up. Everyone must step down.

*RX+: (225/155)(155/105) and 30/24

Stimulus/Focus: This workout will be taxing on the legs. Aim to complete each set of deadlifts unbroken or in no more than two sets. Find a steady pace on your box jump overs and try to keep moving.

Cool Down: 3 Rounds

100 Meter Run

5 Ring Dips