Warm-up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: Review the Movements
WOD: New Year’s Eve WOD For Time
Complete 24 Reps for Each of the Following 20 Movements. No time cap! Happy New Year’s Eve!
*Ring Rows
*Goblet Squats (1.5/1)(1/25#)
*Toes to Bar
*Ground to Overhead (45/25)(25/15)
*Ring Dips
*Wall Balls (20/14)(14/10)
*Ab Mat Sit Ups
*DB Thrusters (50/35)(35/20)
*DB Deadlifts (50/35)(35/20)
*DB Hang Power Cleans (50/35)(35/20)
*GHD Extensions
*DB Push Jerks (50/35)(35/20)
*GHD Sit Ups
*KB Swings (1.5/1)(1/25#)
*Row Calories
*KB Snatches (1.5/1)(1/25#)
*Assault Bike Calories
*Slam Balls (30/20)(20/15)
Stimulus/Focus: Have fun and just keep moving! This will be 480 total reps!
Cool Down: Athlete’s Choice