Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: 3-Position Power Clean
1 x 1
High Hang Power Clean
Hang Power Clean
Power Clean
Stimulus/Focus: Spend 15 minutes getting AHAP.
3-Position Power Clean: 10 x 1
High Hang Power Clean
Hang Power Clean
Power Clean
Stimulus/Focus: Complete one rep of the complex at 90% EMOM for 10 minutes.
WOD: 5 RFT (15 Minute Cap)
30 Double Unders
20 Wall Balls (20/14)(14/10)
10 Toes to Bar
Stimulus/Focus: This will be a cardio workout. Push hard to do bigger sets of work than you normally do, but don’t work to failure.
Cool Down: 3 Rounds
15 Ab Mat Wall Ball Sit Ups
15 Superman Holds