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10 February 2025

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength: Snatch Pull + Below the knee Snatch

1 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Spend 10 minutes getting AHAP.

Snatch Pull + Below the knee Snatch

5 x 1

Stimulus/Focus: Use 90% and complete one complex EMOM for 5 minutes.

WOD: For Time (18 Minute Cap)

300m Run

30 Kettlebell Alternating Hang Snatches

30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats

300m Run

30 Kettlebell Alternating Hang Snatches

30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats

300m Run

30 Kettlebell Alternating Hang Snatches

30 Kettlebell Goblet Squats

300m Run

Rx: One KB (1.5/1)(1/25#)

Stimulus/Focus: Strive to do large sets of work (think 2 sets of 15 or 3 sets of 10). Push hard on the runs.

Cool Down: 3 Rounds

100 Meter Farmer’s Carry

20 Standing Oblique Twists