Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: Floor Press
6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6 x 6
Stimulus/Focus: Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock.
WOD: For Time (20 Minute Cap)
400 Meter Run
25 Burpees over the Dumbbells
400 Meter Run
25 Handstand Push Ups (Seated Dumbbell Press 35/20)
400 Meter Run
25 Dumbbell Floor Press
400 Meter Run
25 Pull Ups
*RX: (50/35)(35/20)
Stimulus/Focus: Find scales that challenge you, but don’t frustrate you. Settle into a pace and just keep moving.
Cool Down: 4 Rounds
100 Meter Dumbbells Carry
20 Standing Oblique Twists