Warm up: Coach’s Choice
Strength/Skill: Sumo Deadlift
5 x 4 x 3 x 2 x 1
Stimulus/Focus: Start at 70% and get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock.
WOD: For Time (25 Minute Cap)
150 Double-Unders
125 Ab Mat Sit Ups
100 Box Step-Ups
75 Deadlifts
50 Burpees
25 Strict Handstand Push-Ups
♀ 20-inch box and 75-lb barbell
♂ 24-inch box and 115-lb barbell
Masters RX: Barbell (75/55) and Seated Dumbbell Presses (20/15)
Stimulus/Focus: Have fun with this chipper! Complete big sets of work and take quick breaks. When you get to the strict handstand push ups, choose a scale that challenges you.
Cool Down: 3 Rounds
10 Ring Rows
10 Supermans (2-Second Holds)