Posted on

04 July 2024

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Review the movements and get ready to work!

WOD: CFB 1776

Happy 4th of July from CFB! This workout is meant to be partner style. You complete the runs together and split the work however you would like with one partner working while the other rests. You can also opt to do this solo and complete half the reps. Have fun with it! Happy 4th!

For Time (60 Minute Cap)

400 Meter Partner Run

100 Dumbbell Deadlifts

100 Strict Push Ups

100 Dumbbell Hang Power Cleans

100 Alternating Step Lunges

100 Dumbbell Push Jerks

100 Ab Mat Sit Ups

100 Dumbbell Squats

100 Pull Ups

100 Dumbbell Alternating Snatches

76 Burpees

400 Meter Partner Run

*Use two dumbbells for all weighted movements except snatch. RX is 50/35 and 35/20. You may have two sets of dumbbells if you are a coed team or mixed between regular and masters.

Cool Down: Partner Choice