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03 February 2025

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Review the movement standards and get ready to work!

WOD: Lisa’s Birthday WOD: “Forever 40”

*Because there is not enough class time to keep increasing the time domain!

40 Minute Partner AMRAP

*With only one partner working at a time, complete as many rounds as possible in 40 minutes.

48 Strict Push Ups

48 Deadlifts (75/55) (55/35)

48 Ab Mat Sit Ups

48 Power Cleans (75/55)(55/35)

48 Air Squats

48 Floor Press (75/55)(55/35)

48 Pull Ups

48 Push Press (75/55)(55/35)

Stimulus/Focus: Have fun with a friend!

Cool Down: Partner Choice