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30 July 2021

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Floor Press (5 x 5)

Use 75% for all sets. Lift on a 3-minute clock.

WOD: 20 Minute GAFAP
5-10-15 . . .
Floor Press (95/65)
10-20-30 . . .
Ab Mat Sit Ups

Teen/Masters RX: 65/45

Stimulus/Focus: This isĀ  a long time domain. Find a steady pace and keep moving. As the sets get bigger, they will likely be broken. Try to take short breaks. Your score would be the number of the last full round you completed, plus any extra reps. For example, if you finished the round of 30 floor press and got 50 sit ups, you score would be 25 + 80 (you finished the round of 25 and 50, and got 80 reps into the round of 30 and 60.

Cool Down: Tabata Superman Holds