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17 January 2023

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Tall Snatch – 5 x 3

Think of this as a warm up for full snatch. Start with an empty barbell. Add weight as comfort level rises with catching the bar in the overhead squat position. This will develop speed and confidence under the bar. Lift on a 2-minute clock.

Snatch – 5 x 3

Start at 75% of your 1 RM. Get AHAP. Lift on a 2-minute clock.

WOD: Four 3-Minute Rounds

60 Double Unders

15 KB Swings (1.5/1)(1/25lb)

10 Pull-ups

Stimulus/Focus: Attempt to do all work unbroken and keep transitions short. This will give you as much rest time in the round as possible.

Cool Down: Tabata Plank Holds