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23 March 2022

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Review the Clean

WOD: 6 Rounds for Reps
1 Minute Max Effort Cleans
3 Minutes Rest
*Weight changes each round.
*Round 1: (165/115)(115/75)
*Round 2: (185/135)(135/95)
*Round 3: (225/155)(155/105)
*Round 4: (165/115)(115/75)
*Round 5: (185/135)(135/95)
*Round 6: (225/155)(155/105)

Stimulus/Focus: Push hard in each minute. You have plenty of time to rest in the breaks after changing your weight. Chose your weights wisely if scaling–light to moderate, moderate, moderate to heavy.

Cool Down: ROMWOD