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19 January 2023

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

WOD: Four 4-Minute AMRAPs


9 Pull-ups

18 Alternating DB Overhead Lunges (50/35)(35/20)

*Use one dumbbell on the lunges. Hold it in one hand for 9 reps and then switch.


9 Toes to Bar

18 Alternating DB Snatches (50/35)(35/20)

*You will go through the above AMRAPs twice for a total of 16 working minutes. There will be 2 minutes of rest between each one.

Stimulus/Focus: These workouts will be taxing on the shoulders. Try to do rig work unbroken or in two sets. Aim for 2-3 rounds per AMRAP. Your score will be your total number of rounds plus reps from all 4 AMRAPS.

Cool Down: 4 Rounds

20 Second Couch Stretch (per side)

20 Second Wall Stretch