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28 March 2023

Warm-up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Spend 10 Minutes Jumping as High as Possible!

WOD: Fight Gone Bad

3 Rounds For Total Reps in 17 minutes.

1 minute Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb)

1 minute Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls (75/55 lb)

1 minute Box Jumps (20 in)

1 minute Push Press (75/55 lb)

1 minute Row (calories)

1 minute Rest.

Stimulus/Focus: How hard can you push for 1 minute, or 5……… Compare your score from the first week of January if you did it.

Masters RX: 14/10 wall ball, 55/35 barbell, step ups

Cool Down: Alternating Tabata Superman/Hollow Rock Holds