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01 May 2023

Warm up: Coach’s Choice

Strength/Skill: Banded Deficit Deadlift

5 x 3

Stimulus/Focus: Use 60% of your most recent 1 RM. Use a green or purple band and a 45# plate for the deficit. The barbell should move as fast as possible for each rep.

WOD: 20 Rounds (40 Seconds Work/20 Second Rest)

Round 1: Calorie Row

Round 2: Dumbbell Clean & Jerks (50/35)(35/20)

*Two dumbbells

*You will alternate between the two movements and will do each ten times.

*Your score will be total reps including calories.

Stimulus/Focus: Try to work the entire 40 seconds. Choose a weight that allows you to keep moving on the clean and jerks without taking a break while fresh. Accumulate as many reps as possible.

Cool Down: Tabata Squat Holds (with one dumbbell from WOD held in front rack position)