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30 January 2017

Coach’s Choice

Sumo Deadlift (Death By SDL) *EMOTM for 15 minutes, start at 1 rep and increase one each minute
*RX: 275/185    *RX+: 315/205     *Score: Weight Used and Round Completed

12 Minute Clock
Minute 1: ME Air Squats (max of 60)
Minute 2: Pull Ups (60 minus # of air squats completed in minute 1)
Minute 3: ME Air Squats (max of 60)
Minute 4: HRPUs (60 minus # of air squats completed in minute 3)
*Repeat for 3 Rounds (total of 12 minutes)
*Score is total reps completed. A perfect score is 360
*If you can’t compete the required pull ups or hrpus in the given minute, you just don’t count those reps in your total


Buy Out:
50 Double Unders
10 GHD Sit Ups
10 GHD Back Extensions